
Piette honey. Wildflower, Unfiltered, Raw. It contains all of the original ingredients the bees put into it, minus the wax. There’s probably even a little bit of wax in it, particularly if you get the last jar from the batch (it floats to the top of my bottling bucket).

I have two hives. They’re both supposed to be Carniolan honeybees, but I think one hive changed somewhere along the line and became a black bee hybrid. The black bees are mean, the Carniolans are very gentle. In fact, the only sting I got this year was from the mean hive. Both hives are in my backyard behind the chicken coop, near the stream. I collect the honey in groups of ten frames from the bees- that is, about 30 lbs at a time. I scrape the honeycomb into a screened bucket and let the honey drip down to the bottom. Then I open the valve at the bottom and fill the 1lb jars and cap them. Then I ask my daughters to draw labels- usually a bee and a flower, but sometimes they’ll add a crown, a house, a dress, a star, or whatever is on their minds. Then I sell it to you. It really is that simple.

I wrote up my first year’s experiences for a friend’s blog, here. It’s a little dated now, but it is a good insight into the details, and has some cute pictures of my girls.


The honey is for sale all year long, until I run out, which usually happens in the early summer- just before my next harvest. I’m selling it in “one pound” plastic containers with flip tops for $7. If you bring your own container, I’ll knock off $2.

I also have clean beeswax for sale, I think I’m charging $5 for a half pound. Maybe it was $4. I don’t know. However much I feel like charging, really. I’ll take the surplus around Christmas and make candle gifts with it all.

Send me an e-mail at , and I’ll get right back to you. Shipping is absolutely available. I’ll even accept PayPal payments. Enjoy!


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